RHP Memberships
Members have access to all of RHP’s exclusive services at discounted rates.
You have enhanced access to your provider, Staton Rebeck, a Doctor of Physical Therapy. You may call, text, or email at anytime regarding your condition.
Bi-annual check-up
2 sessions / year
A 6 month check-up for your movement health. Entails a detailed evaluation of your movement limitations, exercise prescription, and a personalized program to meet your goals.
Bronze membership
12 sessions / year
Excellent for those wanting program advancement and monthly accountability for their health and wellness or performance program.
Silver membership
26 sessions / year
A step up from the Bronze membership, for those wanting bi-weekly program advancement and accountability for their health and wellness or performance program.
Gold membership
36 sessions / year
Excellent for those wanting attentive training or need a high level of accountability.
An excellent option for sharing a membership.
Platinum membership
60 sessions / year
The most exclusive membership offered. For those wanting highly specific training or program accountability.
An excellent option for a family membership.